Year 3/4 Mercury 2024
Croeso i Ddosbarth Mercury,
Blwyddyn Tri a Phedwar.
Mrs Jessica Stevens -class teacher,
Mrs Ibrahim, Ms Fullick, Mrs Pook-teaching assistants,
Mrs Jones- PPA teacher
would like to welcome you to our class page.................
Hello! We are Dosbarth Mercury and we would like to say Croeso i ein dosbarth ni- Welcome to our class! Thank you for visiting our class page. Here you will find out a little more about us and what the year ahead will bring for you and your child.
Who are we?
First and foremost, let us introduce ourselves… I am Mrs Stevens and I have taught at Pentre’r Graig for 20 years!! I have taught across both Key stages during that time and I am also the Assistant Headteacher of our School.
My name is Mrs Ibrahim, Mrs Pook , Ms Fullick and Mrs Jones , we have worked here for a combined total of 12 years! We support Mercury plus other children in our wonderful school so you will see us everywhere around the school!
Our Class Ethos
We want every child in our class to enjoy school, feeling safe, respected, and a valued member of our class team. It is our belief that learning should be fun, relevant and engaging where the child is central to the learning process. As such we will involve the children in our day to day routines and curriculum planning. We would also like to invite you to be part of your child’s learning journey through input into our curriculum planning too and involvement via homework projects and celebration days held in school.
This relationship between home and school is essential to the support and development of your child. We have an open door policy where parents are welcome to make appointments throughout the school year to discuss matters relating to their child. We also use Class Dojo for regular, up to date communication.
We are very much looking forward to our topics this year and our learning will be thematic ensuring that the children develop a wide range of skills through a broad, balanced and rich curriculum. To further enhance our curriculum, school trips linked to our topics will form a staple part of your child’s learning experiences. We also offer your children starting in year 4 the amazing opportunity to attend a three day residential in Borfa House, Port Eynon. This will be a fantastic opportunity to develop their personal and social skills and develop those team relationships and values which we strongly believe allow each child to push themselves to achieve their full potential and a safe and secure learning environment.
Ensuring our children are healthy and well will always be our priority. Your child will have weekly PE team sports (Monday) and outdoor learning (Friday ) sessions which are also supplemented with dance/gymnastics as required. Our school also takes part in the ‘Daily Mile’ where we take additional exercise each day endeavouring to run, walk, skip or jump a mile a day! The development and nurturing of the whole child is important to us, we will deliver lessons which focus on the personal development of qualities and beliefs with the children to further help them grow into well rounded , empathic citizens of the future.
We hope this page has given you a flavour of who we are and what your child’s school experiences will involve . If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Together everyone achieves more!
Mrs Stevens, Mrs Ibrahim, Mrs Pook, Ms Fullick & Mrs Jones
Important Information!!!
Class Dojo is a brilliant communication tool and used on a regular basis to keep parents/guardians up to date with announcements and messages, as well as posting pictures of classroom activities.
It is beneficial that all parents/guardians are set up on Class Dojo if you require any support with this, then please speak with Mrs Stevens or
You can contact Mrs Stevens via the school office on (01792) 771831 or by emailing Mrs Stevens' Hwb email account;
Autumn Term Newsletter
Harvest song 2024
Spring Term Newsletter
Summer Term
Important Dates
September 12th @ 3.15- Welcome Meeting
October - Black history month
October 15th- Diwrnod Shwmae
October 28th-November 3rd- Half Term
November 14th-18th- Anti-Bullying week
November 18th - Children in Need
Daily Routines:
Our school gates will be open from 8:40 for you to drop off your child and staff will guide them through entrance points to the school yard where they will be supervised by staff until the bell rings at 8:50.
Our school day finishes at 3:10 and children will be brought to the school yard and dismissed by
Mrs Stevens.
We advise that children are provided with a water bottle to bring to school and a healthy snack to eat during their morning playtime. Alternatively, fruit can be purchased in school at 25p per piece of fruit.
Monday/Dydd Llun: Spelling words / times tables set /PE
Tuesday/Dydd Mawrth:
Wednesday/Dydd Mercher:
Thursday/Dydd Iau:
Friday/Dydd Gwener: Spelling /Times Tables test /Secret Garden/Fun 31
Your children will have weekly spelling/times tables tests on a Friday. Spelling words will be given to the children in class on Monday and times table of the week will be messaged via Dojo. Spelling lists for the term are sent out every half term. Spelling games are set weekly and can be accessed on Hwb- J2e. In addition, we shall provide a useful topic list of spelling words which your children will use in class. Words will be set each week. Additional Maths/English homework will be set as necessary. A homework 'menu' is also available for you to select pieces from. Please see below for a copy of this term's menu, spelling lists and topic spellings. If there are any problems or queries regarding your child’s homework, then please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Stevens.
In addition to these homework tasks, we encourage children to read at home often, including their reading book, any target words, and by accessing Bug Club and Maths games through Active Learn and J2E. Our school code is gmlq. Please Dojo if you are unsure of your child's passwords.
Daily Reading Carousel:
The children are allocated daily reading slots. Please can you ensure your child returns their reading book and reading record on this day.
Reading at home and in school is fundamental to your child's fluency and confidence in their reading. We thank you in advance for your support in helping your child read at home through both listening to your child and also reading to your child.
Throughout the school week, we use Hwb on a regular basis.
We encourage children to practise logging into their account at home to develop confidence and independence in doing so. Hwb can be accessed at home at and has lots of great tools and activities to support your child’s learning. J2Blast and Jit5 are two of the resources that are often used and can be accessed through J2E. If you need any help accessing your child’s Hwb account then please get in contact with Mrs Stevens.
Thank you for your continued support. If there is anything else you would like to see or access via our class page that would help you or your child at home, then please let us know.
Diolch yn fawr,
Mrs Stevens & Mrs Williams
Autumn Term in our class....
Residential-Borfa House 2023
Residential- Borfa House 2022
Take a look at the fun we had....
Day 3
Day 2
Day 1
Useful video links from the teachers at Pentre’r Graig:
- Uploading work on j2e -
- Active Learn -
- Teach Your Monster to Read -
Educational Links
- Top Marks (numeracy activities) -
- National Geographic Kids -
- BBC Bitesize -
- Woodland Trust -
- Wildlife Trust -
- Duolingo -
- Active Learn -
- DK Find Out -
- Oxford Owl -
- National History Museum -
- Pobble 365 -
- Teach Your Monster to Read -
- Top Marks (literacy activities)
- The Body Coach -
- Cosmic Yoga -
- Mission Gallery Swansea -
- Code Club -
- Childnet (E-Safety) -