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Pentre'r Graig Primary School Pentre'r Graig Primary School

Learning Together, Inspired Forever

Reception/ Year 1 Rockets

Croeso i Dosbarth Rockets!


Welcome to Class Rockets!


Dosbarth Rockets is taught by Mrs Hope-Jones and supported by Mrs White, Mrs Norris and Miss Dark.


Class Dojo is a brilliant communication tool and used on a regular basis to keep parents/guardians up to date with announcements and messages, as well as posting pictures of classroom activities. It is beneficial that all parents/guardians are set up on Class Dojo. If you require any support with this, then please speak with Mrs Hope-Jones.



Mrs Hope-Jones' Hwb email:


Daily Routines:

Our school gates will be open from 8:40a.m. Please help your child make their dinner choice before they enter the school at 8:45a.m. Our class will enter the school via the Foundation Phase Yard (via the side lane or the green gate at the front of the school.)


Our school day finishes at 3:05p.m. and children will be brought to the doors leading to the Foundation Phase yard and dismissed by Mrs Hope-Jones.


We advise that children are provided with a water bottle to bring to school and a healthy snack to eat during their morning playtime. Alternatively, fruit can be purchased in school at 25p per piece of fruit.








Weekly activities

/- P.E./


Secret Garden

Children will need:

/- P.E. kits (including trainers) that are to be worn to school./


Weather appropriate clothing and wellies.



Homework books will be sent home at the beginning of each half term with a grid of activities to choose from to be completed by the end of the half term. Homework grids can be found in children's homework books and can also be viewed below. They can then be returned to school for us to celebrate the children's learning before the return date stated on the homework menu.

Each week in school, we will also focus on a sound of the week. We encourage children to practise these sounds at home, too. To find the sound of the week, please see your child's Class Dojo story, or click the 'homework' button below.


Hwb can also be accessed at home and activities can be completed on Jit. If you are unsure of your child's log in details please get in touch.





Each child will have a reading book and some key sounds/tricky words to practise every week.  The day for the book to be returned will be written on the front of the reading record. It is fundamental to children’s reading development that we are able to listen to the children read their home-school reading book each week on their allocated day and have their reading record so that we are able to give them key words to practice. This should be returned every week on their given reading day. Children need to be reading at home regularly to practise phonics and reading strategies to develop fluency and confidence.



Throughout the school week, we use Hwb on a regular basis. We encourage children to practise logging into their account at home to develop confidence and independence in doing so. Hwb can be accessed at home at and has lots of great tools and activities to support your child’s learning. J2Blast and Jit5 are two of the resources that are often used and can be accessed through J2E. If you need any help accessing your child’s Hwb account then please get in contact with Miss Hope.


Friday Funds

We will  be collecting donations for cooking/craft etc on a Friday. Any amount would be gratefully received! 50p/£1 – please also send this in a labelled envelope marked Friday fund.




If your child has been told they must stay home as a result of Covid-19 restrictions, but are well and keen to work on activities at home then please follow the link below or visit children's JIT . There are also lots of lessons that can be accessed at home via Foundation Phase – Swansea Virtual School, and many of the websites and resources listed on the bottom of this page have lots of fun learning games and activities.


Thank you for your continued support. If there is anything else you would like to see or access via our class page that would help you or your child at home, then please let us know.




Mrs Hope-Jones, Miss Dark, Mrs Norris & Mrs White.

September 'Meet the Teacher'

Termly Overviews

Your child will be given opportunities in developing their learning across the Six Areas of Learning - Healthy and Well-Being, Maths and Numeracy, Science and Technology,  Humanities; Expressive Arts and Language, Literacy and Communication. Our child inspired curriculum aims to support learners to realise the Four Purposes of Learning and become ambitious, capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives; enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work; ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world; and healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society. 


Please see our topic overviews below. 

Tedi Twt yn Siopa.wav

Tedi Twt a'r Tywydd.wav

Tedi Twt yn Dost.wav