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Pentre'r Graig Primary School Pentre'r Graig Primary School

Learning Together, Inspired Forever

Nursery Stars

Croeso i Dosbarth Stars and Dosbarth Sunshine!

Welcome to Star Class and Sunshine Class!


Dosbarth Stars - N2 pupils.  - 8.50am - 11.20am

Welcome to our Stars Class which is taught by Mrs Roberts and is supported by Mrs Collier, Miss Thomas and Mrs White. 

Mrs Roberts' email address is


Dosbarth Sunshine - N1 pupils. - 12.30am - 3pm 

Welcome to our Sunshine Class which is taught by Mrs Lewis and is supported by Miss Thomas and Mrs White.   

Mrs Lewis' email address is



Weekly activities

‘Messy Mondays’ – the children are involved in messy art opportunities inside and outside the class. So please dress in clothes that are not precious on this day as we love digging in the mud, painting and other multi-sensory messy play.


Please pay £1 snack on this day.


‘Fit Fridays’ – this is our PE day so wear trainers and leggings/joggers.

Also, on Fridays we have Library time. Children can choose a book of their choice to take home in their book bag and share with their family. This is all about fostering a love of reading, stories and information books. Please help your child to handle the book, turn the pages, talk about the pictures and what they like about it.



Please ensure your child wears a suitable coat/footwear for the weather - come rain or shine we use our outdoor classroom every day!

In winter, the children need raincoats/warm coats and hats. In warmer weather sun-cream and sunhats will be needed.

Leggings/joggers are perfect for Nursery especially for running about and making it easy for them to use the toilet independently.


Our daily routine.

~Children enter the classroom through the Red nursery door where they are greeted by Nursery staff who help them to hang their own coats up and put their bag on the trolley.

~First we have carpet time where we sing our Welsh welcome song Bore Da, learn about the weather and the days of the week.

~Then we sit with our key worker groups where we talk about how we are feeling and practice our mental maths.

~Next we have our Busy Bee jobs where we learn with a grown up or we can choose one of the Busy Bee jobs all by ourselves! During our free flow time, the children can choose whether they want to play inside or outside.

~Snack time - After Busy Bee jobs we sit with our friends for a well earned snack and a drink. Snacks include – apples, bananas, tangerines, carrot sticks etc. Throughout the year we taste a range of fruit. Drinks include milk or water. £1 a week please.



Along with our practical activities we also learn through Hwb. Your child’s teacher will send their log in and password home when they are ready to access it.



Each week the Sound of the Week will be sent home with the Jolly phonics picture and letter to have a go at writing. During the term we may send homework home when appropriate. This might include a simple project (e.g. junk modelling or a number hunt) or be invited to bring in a photo/object as part of the topic.




Click on the following Letters and Sounds link to access information and games


Go to YouTube and type ‘Jolly Phonics’ into the search bar to listen to songs we sing in school or click the Jolly Phonics link below.

Useful Information

Watch Michael Rosen perform We're Going on a Bear Hunt.
Can you join in too? Don't forget to make the actions!

Home Learning Spring 2022

In the event that individual children, teachers or the whole class are required to isolate, please choose activities from the menu below to help your child to continue their learning from home. Children who are unwell are not expected to undertake home learning. If you can, photos or videos can be uploaded to their Hwb account. (Instructions are found on Nursery Class Page)

If you need any help please contact school.

How to access Hwb and Jit