Year 1/2 Neptune
Croeso i Dosbarth Neptune Yr 1/2!
Welcome to Neptune!
Dosbarth Neptune is a mixed yr 1/2 class in Pentre’r Graig and is taught by Mrs Roseblade and supported by Mrs Roan.
Class Dojo is a brilliant communication tool and is used on a regular basis to keep parents/guardians up to date with announcements and messages, as well as posting pictures of classroom activities. It is beneficial that all parents/guardians are set up on Class Dojo. If you require any support with this then please ask Mrs Roseblade.
Mrs Roseblades' Hwb email address -
Daily Routines
School starts at 8.50am. The children enter through the gate on Soar Terrace (lane entrance) or the Red Lion steps. We encourage the children to be dropped off in the morning at these point but welcome parents onto the school yard when
School finishes at 3.05pm. The children will be dismissed on the school yard.
Water is accessible throughout the day, please bring a labelled bottle to kept in class. We encourage all children to have a healthy snack each morning of fruit or cheese. Fruit will be available for you to purchase at a cost of £1.25 a week. Please send this in on a Monday in a sealed and labelled envelope. Alternatively, you can provide your child with some fruit each day or pay for the half term ahead.
Weekly activities
Tuesday - P.E. All children will need P.E. kit (including trainers) that can be worn to school. Please ensure that this is a different outfit to their daily uniform as we will get sweaty! We will either be indoors or outdoors, depending on the weather. No jewellery please. Only stud earing allowed for health and safety reasons.
Wednesday - Secret Garden/Forest Schools. All children will need a pair of wellies and a waterproof coat. As the weather gets colder, a hat, scarf etc.
Reading books - Each child will have a reading book and some key sounds/tricky words to practise every week in their reading diary. Please listen to your child read daily and fill in the comments section so we can monitor progress. The day for the book to be returned will be written on the front of the reading record.
Homework books - These will be sent home at the beginning of each half term with a menu of activities to choose from to be completed by the end of the half term. They can then be returned to school for us to celebrate the children's learning.
In addition to set homework tasks we encourage the children to read at home regularly. The school uses Active Learn where the children can access Bug Club reading books and engaging Maths games.
Hwb can also be accessed at home and activities can be completed on J2e. If you are unsure of how to log in then please get in touch.
All usernames and passwords are to be found in the front of their homework books.
If your child has been told they must stay home as a result of Covid-19 restrictions, but are well and keen to work on activities at home then please use the homework menu for activities. There are also lots of lessons that can be accessed at home via Primary – Literacy – Swansea Virtual School and Primary – Numeracy – Swansea Virtual School , and many of the websites and resources listed on this page have lots of fun learning games and activities.
Educational Links
- Top Marks (numeracy activities) -
- National Geographic Kids -
- BBC Bitesize -
- Woodland Trust -
- Wildlife Trust -
- Duolingo -
- Active Learn -
- DK Find Out -
- Oxford Owl -
- National History Museum -
- Pobble 365 -
- Teach Your Monster to Read -
- Top Marks (literacy activities)
- The Body Coach -
- Cosmic Yoga -
- Mission Gallery Swansea -
- Code Club -
- Childnet (E-Safety) -
All children are taught cursive handwriting from the start. Please practice this regularly at home. Here is our school style.
Useful video links from the teachers at Pentre’r Graig:
- Uploading work on j2e -
- Active Learn -
- Teach Your Monster to Read -
Class newsletters
Topic planning
Friday Funds
We will be collecting donations for cooking/craft etc on a Friday. Any amount would be gratefully received! 50p/£1 – please also send this in a labelled envelope marked Friday Fund. Thank you for your generous support.